Thursday, November 10, 2011

3 Game Suspension

So if you seen my post of facebook, you know that I was kicked out of a game and then suspended for 3 more. On top of that there was a small fine...

So everyone will tell you I am pretty laid back and no confrontational...

UNLESS..Im in poland and some ignorant person wants to call me a "Ni@@a" or scream white power at me...or do monkey chants and things like that....Sorry I could rant all day about that...And Poland is not really that bad, I love it there.."Poland Gang"....

But back to the game, so it is the start of the 2nd half and we are kicking the ball off to the other team. Like always I'm running down the field....BUT this time a guy sticks his leg out and trip the play isnt over so I get up off the ground and continue running when I feel someone jump on my back and punch me in the head. Yes, the dude punched me in the head...So at this point I'm now officially pissed. So I give him a small push...Maybe it was a little late but I'm still not convinced it was worth a 3 game suspension.

Sooo, that's all??? You may be asking....NO...I was then blindsided by another guy on their team..who happen to be the guy who tripped me in the beginning. (I think this was planned, take out the American)....But I don't retaliate because I know I will be the first person the kick out...

What happens next I can't even explain...Just take a look for yourself....

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